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Saturday morning Dave would have been with us, studying the Torah portion of the week. He would have had a lot to say about the meaning of these chapters of Genesis. He always did. Saturday, the day he died, we studied Chayei Sarah—and we did so knowing that Dave would have argued for his point of view of what these verses of Genesis meant. We spoke of Sarah’s death and of Abraham’s death. We heard Dave’s voice in the “in between” telling us what it means to measure a life—Chayei Sarah—the life of Sarah, the life of Abraham, and the life of Dave. We gather today to be with one another in memory and to acknowledge with one another that Dave’s life was one of deep meaning. We know that his legacy is great—he touched more people than we will ever know. Chayei Sarah—the word “life” is plural. For Dave that refers to the fact that he lived not just one life, but impacted on so many—and he lives through our lives in the many acts of kindness, generosity, support , inspiration and love

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